People Before Profit has signed up to the Right2Change principles.  These principles arise from Ireland’s biggest social movement – the Right 2Water movement – and represent an important starting point in breaking the right wing consensus that has dominated Irish politics for so long.

People Before Profit will support the formation of a left wing government that will incorporate fully the Right2Water principles into its first programme for government. Should the numbers allow, we will enter discussion on forming such a government.

The key impetus behind the Right2 Water movement has been its ability to mobilise ‘people power’. It has already forced the government to retreat on its threats to turn off the water supply of those who did not pay their water bills. This focus on a grassroots mobilisation should not be lost in the run up to the general election.

Accordingly, People Before Profit believe that there should be a return to mass demonstrations. Once the election is called, for example, there should be a huge, united anti-austerity demonstration.

We also believe that the mass boycott of water charges must be kept up.

The Right2Change movement should not be focussed on narrow transfer pacts with particular parties but on building a real people’s movement for change.

People Before Profit is involved in a formal alliance with the Anti-Austerity Alliance. We openly acknowledge that, while we both share a radical left agenda, we can differ on tactics. We believe that the radical left must organise on a 32 county basis but have not yet convinced our allies of this.

People Before Profit will be calling for transfers to other parties and independents who endorse the Right2 Change principles. How this works will be a matter for voters’ own choice and we are not singling out Sinn Fein or indeed any other party by endorsing their specific policies.

We are, in fact, strongly opposed to Sinn Fein’s support for a Stormont House agreement that implements privatisation and the rundown of public services. This strategy is inconsistent with advocating anti-austerity principles.

We are also opposed to their refusal to rule out coalition with Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the current Labour Party after the next election.

A mood is developing across Ireland to break the stranglehold of the political establishment. It is vital that this mood is linked to a strategy of mobilising people power to make real gains.

It is also vital that the desire for unity is built on and developed into a strong consistent movement that fully challenges the political establishment.


For Confirmation – Richard Boyd Barrett TD 086 7814520 or Cllr Brid Smith 087 9090166