We tried today to put a pause, for a year, on shutting down the Commission of Inquiry into the Mother and Baby Homes. They had produced a very flawed Report that many survivors were hurt by. And to add insult to injury, the testimonies given by the survivors to the enquiry were put in serious jeopardy with threats being of permanently erased. I spoke on this in the Dáil today. Tragically, the upshot was that despite the Dáil vote to extend the life of the Commission, the Minister is choosing not to accede to the wishes of the survivors. Interestingly, having said the testimonies were not retrievable, it now turns out (after the survivors fought for the truth) that they in fact are. We’ll keep fighting to have the rights of the survivors, and of history, vindicated. Shame on Roderick O Gorman and the rotten govt he’s part of

THE DAIL WILL DEBATE TOMORROW ON MOTHER AND BABY HOMES. You will probably be aware that the Commission set up to investigate the Mother and Baby Homes scandal, have set out to destroy the testimonies of the survivors. HOW DARE THEY! And Minister O Gorman may, or may not, retrieve a back-up copy of the tapes. For God’s sake – this is important history – is this the best they can do? We say RESPECT THE SURVIVORS – demand those tapes now!

WAS ENOUGH DAMAGE NOT DONE? How shameful to treat the survivors on the Mother and Baby Homes, as though they don’t matter. The Commission set up to investigate their issues, produced a report that effectively abuses the survivors by disrespecting their testimony and then by erasing it. I spoke in the the Dáil, to an amendment that looks to retrieve the files containing their stories, and to SHOW SOME RESPECT.

I can’t recommend this new pamphlet too highly. It gives a brilliant insight into Irish society since the 20’s, the toxic combination of church and state, and the horrors it engendered, particularly for women, like the hellish Mother and Baby Homes. Also gives essential facts that will help with the task of separating Church and State. If your are interested in getting a copy, go to https://www.pbp.ie/mother-baby-homes-separate-chuch-and-state/?fbclid=IwAR0E4MhF1uzW2pTl4_pg5FasGmsehQaLQpXYdEfdQNUyD2PGwfky7EZGL5s

Clips of Brid’s contibutions to discussion, remotely, on the following topics: fines for Covid control; essential staff for Covid response; schools and their vulnerability in times of Covid and lastly, Brid’s plea to Michael D regarding the Mother and Baby homes legislation.