Bríd engages with witnesses at the committee and makes the point that Ireland and the EU are being hypocritical when we is prepared to do deals with countries that do not respect policies to protect the environment, through ‘carbon leakage’.

Bríd who was on the Dáil Climate Committee refers to the extensive work of that committee which brought over 20 recommendations to tackle climate change to the government. The only measure the govt have focussed on is Carbon Tax increase for ordinary people, leaving corporations who promote and use fossil fuels, off the hook. Fuel poverty and sharp practice by fuel providers are rampant in Ireland, and those suffering as a result are the very ones targeted by Carbon Tax increases.

HIT THE ONES WHO CAN LEAST AFFORD IT. That’s the motto for the FFG government. Disgracefully, grants given by Bord Gais at the outset of Covid are now being clawed back for ‘pay-as-you-go’ customers, so that now when you buy €20 worth of gas, you only get €8 worth. And this is supposed to be a benefit for people? And now increased CARBON TAXES on people who already in fuel poverty and have no alternatives; this is cruel and won’t stop climate change. They should tax the mega-rich fossil fuel corporations instead.

HIT THE ONES WHO CAN LEAST AFFORD IT. That’s the motto for the FFG government. Disgracefully, grants given by Bord Gais at the outset of Covid are now being clawed back for ‘pay-as-you-go’ customers, so that now when you buy €20 worth of gas, you only get €8 worth. And this is supposed to be a benefit for people? And now increased CARBON TAXES on people who already in fuel poverty and have no alternatives; this is cruel and won’t stop climate change. They should tax the mega-rich fossil fuel corporations instead.