Right2Housing protests in Dublin South Central

People Before Profit supported the Right2Housing banner drops on empty properties all over the country highlighting the fact that the housing shortage is manufactured by builders and developers and their political friends in the main establishment parties.

Across Ireland – Right2Housing protestors highlighted how useless are the government’s policies regarding housing. Protestors dropped banners on propoerties that could and should be taken over and used to house the every-growing numbers of homeless people in our city and towns. Cllr Brid Smith and Tina MacVeigh coordinated banner drops accross Dublin South Constituency and encourage people to join PBP so that a meaningful housing policy might be pursued.

Right2housing housing protest Right2Housing Banner Drop John Dillon St

People Before Profit Housing Policy


* Declare a national housing emergency
* Build 50,000 council houses– 10,000 a year over 5 years. This will cost €3 billion in the first year and a total of €7 billion over 5 years, but it will become self-financing by year 6 and into the future. This programme will also provide jobs in the construction sector and add to revenue receipts.
* Transfer of 20,000 NAMA housing units to local authorities.
* Introduce immediate Rent Controls. Establish a new Rental Board that oversees rental prices according to transparent criteria. Reduce rents where they do not meet these criteria and limit rent increases to the rate of inflation.
* Give tenants security of tenure to protect them against homelessness.
* Legal measures to outlaw discrimination – an end to “Rent Allowance not Accepted”

Read our full housing policy here: http://www.peoplebeforeprofit.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/People-Before-Profit-Housing-Policy.pdf



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