Bríd Smith TD tackles the Minister on planned LNG terminal at Shannon

If you’re concerned about the climate , the ministers answer to my question on LNGs (Liquified Natural Gas Terminals) should terrify you. An Bord Pleanala has extended planning permission for one at the Shannon: they are huge floating reservoirs for stored gas , in this case most likely fracked gas from North America; one of the dirtiest forms of fossil fuels. It makes a mockery of our ban on fracking here and our committmenst to reduce Co2 emmissions. Plans to build these are a way of locking us and Europe into another 50 years+ of reliance on fossil fuels and stopping the switch to renewable energy we and the planet desperately need. Fair play to environmentalists fighting this; for more info check these sites; Not Here, Not Anywhere NHNA – Friends of the Earth LNG strategy sessionFriends of the Irish Environment Friends of the Earth Ireland