Historic underfunding of water system by successive Fine Gael and Fianna Fail governments are the reasons for current infrastructure crisis. People Before Profit have outlined a number of measures that could be used to pay for water infrastructure upgrades and water services.

People Before Profit TD and spokesperson on water, Bríd Smith, has said that the blame for the crumbling nature of Ireland’s water infrastructure is down to historic underfunding by successive Fine Gael and Fianna Fail governments.The TD for Dublin South Central made her comments in the wake of the burst pipe in Drogheda which has cut of water to thousands of people in Louth and Meath East.

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People Before Profit TD claims Varadkar guilty of Double Standards on public sector pay

Varadkar supports equal pay for cabinet members but not for teachers

Workers told they must accept poor deal while ministers jockey for position and big pay increases

People Before Profit TD, Bríd Smith, has accused Taoiseach Leo Varadkar of gross hypocrisy over the treatment of ordinary public servants compared to the treatment of Junior Ministers and in the appointment of Máire Whelan.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar stated today in the Dáil that he supported the idea of cabinet members receiving the same pay.

Bríd Smith slammed the statement saying “it is quite breath-taking that a politician that has constantly denied the right of equal pay for equal work for public servants such as teachers can claim that principal for his own cabinet colleagues”.Read more »

Leo Varadkar’s comments about more hospital beds ‘slowing down’ hospitals shows why he should never be returned as a Health Minister.

Councillor Brid Smith, People Before Profit candidate, said,

Varadkar has let the PR mask slip and revealed his true philosophy. He wants to keep the public health system under pressure so that the staff are worked to the bone and there is a carry over trade for private hospitals.


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Inequality still alive and well in Ireland with consultants due millions in compensation on top of inflated salaries

Inequality is on the rise still in this country despite the propaganda of the government. Reports have surfaced today stating that HSE consultants will be due millions in compensation because their already very large salaries were not paid at higher rate to encourage them to treat more public patients.

With the pay restoration coming in this month under the Lansdowne Road agreement consultants are set to get even more money.

People Before Profit spokesperson, Bríd Smith, said:

“This is an example of bald-faced inequality with these consultants winning a case in the Employment Appeals Tribunal where they are set to be paid for contracts that were agreed, by the then Minster for Health, Mary Harney, before the crisis. The majority of the instalments of this agreement have been paid already.

“We have major inequality in this country and it is still on the rise despite what the government spin machine would like you to believe. Today we have Bernardos saying that they are dealing with more children than ever before. The numbers of people considered to be the ‘working poor’ have sky rocketed. In 2015, one in seven people living in this state are living in consistent poverty. We have nearly 5,000 children homeless. We also have a serious issue in regards to the floods in the south and west of the country.

“Surely this money would be better off going towards alleviating the homelessness crisis or being invested in flood defences for the Shannon where we are seeing many people lose their homes and livelihoods.

“Instead, what we are seeing are consultants who are already on seriously inflated salaries, getting these salaries topped up. This is glaring inequality and demonstrates the serious issues of the gap between rich and poor in this country.”


Further information- Bríd Smith- 087 909 0166