Yesterday 5 September myself and Cllr Hazel de Nortuin, met with the Deputy CEO of the National Transport Authority in Leinster House. His name is Hugh Creegan.

We raised the issues that communities have presented to us on the problems with the local public transport that will result from the new Bus Connects Plan.

Mr. Creegan admitted that the Plan is not perfect, that they hope to find out through the public consultation process where there are weaknesses etc.

He also acknowledged “Hands up” that they had “messed up in Drimnagh” and that it would have to be reviewed and changed. That they would have to look at connection between Drimnagh and James Hospital, between Drimnagh and schools attended by local children

In Crumlin he agreed that there needs to be a review of the routes so that there is a link between Crumlin, Rathmines and Camden Street.

In Ballyfermot, we strongly emphasised the need for the bus service to be maintained through Lower Ballyfermot, a link with Heuston Station and links with schools in Clondalkin and Tallaght Hospital. And we need to keep the 18 route. He agreed a number of those areas would be looked at again.

In Chapelizod he acknowledged the need for a more frequent service and that this also would be reviewed.

On the overall issues of the attempt to privatise Dublin Bus, we indicated to him a very strong oppostion throughout the communities to any moves to privatise our bus service.Read more »

BUS CONNECT will cause hardship for the most vulnerable in working class communities. That’s why we protested today, marching from Drimnagh to meet with Crumlin and Walkinstown communities, to the Ashleaf shopping centre, where the NTA were displaying their very flawed plans.