People Before Profit
Share the Wealth: An Alternative Vision for Ireland

Our Priorities: A Summary

Arts   –  Childcare   –  Disability  –  Drugs  –  Economic Policy Summary  –  Education  –  Employment and Labour Rights  –  Environment  –  Foreign Policy    Health  –  Housing  –  Irish Language  –  Land Use and Food  –  Law  –  LBGT Rights  –  Natural Resources  –  Political Reform
Racism  –  Water  –  Woman’s Right to Choose  –  Youth Equality

By Richard Boyd Barrett

Despite government parties’ claims of economic recovery, Ireland remains a deeply unequal society. Government growth projections and claims of economic stability lack all credibility in the face of the evidence that another global economic down-turn is looming.

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The Labour Party worked happily with Fine Gael for four years but has suddenly discovered that they are a party for the rich. Joan Burton has started to warn about a ‘lack of balance’ if Fine Gael started to rule alone.

In a statement Cllr Brid Smith said,Labour is acting like a second-hand dealer of dodgy cars. In 2011, they won votes on a promise that they would restrain Fine Gael. And they are trying the same trick again.But once the votes were counted after 2011 Labour dropped all talk of restraining FG and acted as their collaborator. Labour warned that Fine Gael would introduce water charges – but then voted for them.

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   Lyons photo BS with megaphone Water demo
In a statement, People Before Profit councillor, general election candidate and a member of the steering group of Right2Water , Brid Smith, has labelled the announcement by Eurostat that Irish Water has failed its viability test to go “off balance sheet” as a historic moment and a critical blow to Irish Water and the government. Cllr Smith pointed out that people power is working and that Irish Water is dying a death. Brid Smith has called for everyone to get out for the Right2Water protest on 29 August.

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New legislation is to be rammed through the Daíl next week regarding Water Charges. Two bills are to be introduced yet only information on one has been released.

Cllr Bríd Smith said “As predicted, this legislation is yet another attack by the Government on the most vulnerable in society. This week we see cuts to One Parent families take effect while this Government has plans to lump another bill onto households via Landlords as debt collectors?. It’s completely unacceptable.”

Bríd continues “there’s only one answer. Feet on the street on July 1st and 14th! The day the bill is pass through the Daíl and the day it is to be voted on.”

Another Bill is to be introduced but little has been released as yet. The bill in questionis for attachment orders on social welfare.

The new amendments in the Environment Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2015 dealing with water charges include:

  • After 2015 the €100 conservation grant will not be given to anyone who is not on a database which will be held by Irish water. The database will include any information that the Minister deems relevant.
  • Landlords will be required to pass tenants details to Irish Water
  • Tenancy agreements in rented accommodation (public and private) will be required to include an obligation to pay water charges as a condition of the tenancy. That means tenants could be evicted for not paying water charges.
  • Approved housing bodies and voluntary housing groups will be responsible for ensuring water charges are paid
  • It will be a requirement for selling a house to provide proof of having paid water charges
  • It won’t be possible to buy a council house until water charges are paid
  • Approved housing bodies and voluntary housing groups will be responsible for ensuring water charges are paid

Delegates from People before Profit, including Brid Smith, attended the June 13 Conference convened by the Right2Water trade unions to discuss a programme of Policy Principles for a Progressive Irish Government. There they argued, along with others, for the need for a government of the left to refuse to pay the huge debt loaded on the Irish people as a result of the bankers’ reckless greed.

People Before Profit contingent, R2W June 13th
People Before Profit contingent, R2W June 13th

There has been a great resistance to the water charges in Ballyfermot. All street meetings have been well attended and everyone has vowed to stand in solidarity and boycott the bills as they continue to land. There hasn’t been any attempts to meter Ballyfermot but we all must stay vigilant and come out and stop the metering when the time comes. From the rivers to sea! Irish water will be free!

Stree meetings in Ballyfermot
Stree meetings in Ballyfermot




