Brid Smith, Richard Boyd-Barret and Gino Kenny, the People Before Profit TDs, launched their poster urging a YES vote in the Referendum on Repeal of the 8th amendment to the constitution. This video is of Brid’s opening remarks at the press conference in Buswell’s Hotel.

Brid Smith, Richard Boyd-Barret and Gino Kenny, the People Before Profit TDs, launched their poster urging a YES vote in the Referendum on Repeal of the 8th amendment to the constitution. This video is of Brid’s response to questions regarding UK abortion figures presented by the NO side

Brid Smith, Richard Boyd-Barret and Gino Kenny, the People Before Profit TDs, launched their poster urging a YES vote in the Referendum on Repeal of the 8th amendment to the constitution. This video is of Brid explaining what PBP means by CHOICE.

Brid Smith, Richard Boyd-Barret and Gino Kenny, the People Before Profit TDs, launched their poster, 27.4.18, urging a YES vote in the Referendum on Repeal of the 8th amendment to the constitution. This video is of Brid explaining why we must TRUST WOMEN – NOT POLITICIANS

Brid Smith, Richard Boyd-Barret and Gino Kenny, the People Before Profit TDs, launched their poster (27.4.18) urging a YES vote in the Referendum on Repeal of the 8th amendment to the constitution. This video is of Brid explaining the health risks of keeping the 8th at the press conference

Its entirely understandable how many of us distrust big pharma and ‘experts’ who dismiss the genuine fears of lay people. But we can’t dismiss science, and the scientific evidence shows that the HPV vaccine saves lives.